Love God, Love Neighbor, Be Disciples Who Make Disciples
Our vision is
To be faithful followers of Christ for such a time as this.
Welcome to Grace United Methodist Church!
We invite you to join us in worship. Two worship services are held on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School is held from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. with classes from nursery to adult. We have four adult classes with a variety of topics being studied. Bible Study classes are held during the week and are open to all. We hope you’ll join us.
Holy Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of the month as well as other special occasions. The United Methodist Church practices an open communion table. Anyone present at worship who is a follower of Jesus Christ or desires to commit his/her life to following his teachings, is welcome to receive communion.
New members are periodically received into membership at Grace United Methodist at a worship service on Sunday morning. Members may join by profession of faith, by letter of transfer from another United Methodist Church, or reaffirmation of faith with a letter of transfer from a church in another denomination. Youth Confirmation Classes are offered annually for those in grades six and older. If you are interested in uniting with Grace United Methodist Church, please contact the church office so that we can set a time to meet together. The purpose of this time together is to help us become acquainted with each other, answer any questions you may have about the Christian faith, our congregation and the denomination, and to set a day when you will officially join the church. We look forward to welcoming you as a member of our church family.
Grace Church is now handicapped accessible. Handicapped parking is available in the lot located on Orchard Street. We offer direct access to the sanctuary, restrooms equipped with wide doorways and bars, large-print bulletins, and stair lifts to provide access to Fellowship Hall.
The Nursery is available Sunday mornings during the 11:00 a.m. worship service for children ages birth to six years old. This play time is supervised by an adult volunteer. The Nursery is located on the second floor of the Education Building.